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Subarrays/substrings: 一定要連續的
Subsequences: 排序要一樣但不一定是連續
Subsets: any set of elements from the original array or string. 不管排序也不需要連續
{} curly bracket
() round bracket
[] square bracket
! Exclamation mark
ascending order 小到大
adjacent 相鄰
corresponding 相對應 ex. Given a date, return the corresponding day of the week for that date.
case sensitive 區分大小寫 ex. "a" is considered a different type of stone from "A"
contiguous / consecutively 連續的
composite number 複合數 (4, 6, 8, 9, 12...)
cube 三次方 , eg, 5³ (five cube), 那 n 次方為 5 to the power of n. (5ⁿ)
descending 大到小
divide 除
distinct 不同
denoted 表示, eg. commonly denoted F(n) form a sequence
even 偶數 / odd 奇數 distinct 不同 [範例]
encryption 加密
Expression : 會回傳東西
followed by 其次是,eg. call '50", followed by a space, followed by the address. → 50 leetcode.com
integers 整數 = 正整數 + 附整數 + 零的統稱
indices 指數,ex. 位置 ['apple', 'banana'] apple 的 indices 就是 0
intersection 交集
Immutable 不可改變的, eg. 原始值 Number, String...
multiplication 乘
majority element 大多數的元素 ex. [2, 2, 2, 1] → 2
Mutable 可改變的, eg. obj
non-negative integers 正整數
positive integers 正整數
palindrome 回文
partition 分割
Primes Number 質數 (2, 3, 5, 7, 11...)
respectively 分別
Rest Parameters 可以把他想成取代 arguments 的語法
squares of its digits 數字平方, ex 9² → 81, 5²(five square)
Spread Operator 把陣列展開成個別值
Statement 不會回傳東西
Ternary indicate 三元運算式,conditional ? truethy_block : falsey_block
Transpose 顛倒